A bad situation maybe a chance to sharpen your creativity. Who knows? I have an extra stuff army in my room because I live in NYC. If you live in NYC, you have to get used to living in a shared apartment and probably your room will be really small(they call it “cozy” lol) compared to your older.
One of the corner in my room is blind; I prefer to call it “dead” because I put my extra stuff army in there. But one night, I imagined that If I had a chance to get rid of my extra stuff, what I would do with my fresh and empty new corner?
I probably thought about this possibility one minute, wrote all ideas and then called my girlfriend. Before the ideas, I want to show my “dead” corner.
That’s how it looks:

Six new ideas that you can do with your empty room corner
#1: Reading Corner aka PKD Club
Doing different things in the same area can be boring in time. I just throw one suitcase, one big parcel, and other stuff and turn a dead corner into a “focused” reading corner. Not bad, huh?

#2: Standing Workstation aka Silicon Valley
I have been working remotely for one year. It sounds cool, but believe me, it’s not. I can argue about that non-stop six hours but I won’t do that. What will I do? I will try to make it useful and fun.

#3: Corner Bar
What is one of the coolest things in NYC? My answer is “Corner Bars.” So, Why I can’t turn my dead corner into a bar? Here’s is Corner Bar. I have two options: Tecate and Gin Tonic.

#4: Self-Punishment Corner
You are on a diet, but you cheat it? Or you didn’t do what you must have to do? Please use my self-punishment corner. (Raise hand, if you remember your childhood days)

#5: Selfie Corner aka Kardashian Corner
Come on; everybody needs a self-corner at home. It is one of the most critical things for your life. Otherwise, how can you “represent” your monotone life as like Kardashian style.

#6: LoveWins
I don’t think that #LoveWins needs a word to explain its beauty. Life is not too long. Just call or come together with the people who love you most and behind you every single bad day and situation. Then? Give a hug and kiss. Show your love. Good news is that you don’t need an empty room corner for this.

All these ideas are just for fun. But, small changes, makes a big difference. We have a lot of stuff that actually, we don’t need. Changes will bring a new refreshment and synergy in your life.